

A youth exchange, where you can experience living in an international community of 42 young people from 7 countries of Europe; discovering what resourcefulness and entrepreneurship really mean. Experience how you can learn and have fun at the same time while enjoying the stunning Hungarian countryside

In the 12 days we will spend together, we will learn about each other, our cultures , teamwork, taking initiative and entrepreneur ship, all by doing.  This means there will be many exciting activities and challenges to face where you can create, explore and understand, working in small and big groups with young people from other countries. We will also be having outdoor activities during this youth exchange, lasting from a couple of hours to some days. So come prepared for nature and adventure time.




This is a youth Exchange for you if:

  • you are between 16 – 23 years old.
  • you are interested in learning how to be resourceful, how to take initiative, and in feeling more confident when facing challenges.
  • you would like to experience spending 12 days in an international community with young people from Europe just like you.




Vanue: Creativa space Holloko, Hungary

Accommodation and food is covered by the programme.

Travel is arranged and purchased by the partner organisations.

Participation fee: EstYES particiaption fee 80€ + Egyesek participation fee 35 € (+ EstYES membership fee if you are not a member yet)


Hea teada! Noortevahetusi viiakse läbi Euroopa Liidu programmi „Erasmus+” raames. Tänu sellele on majutus ja toitlustus kõikidele osavõtjatele tasuta, samuti makstakse osaliselt kinni reisikulud. Täpne summa sõltub konkreetsest projektist. Reisipiletid tuleb osalejal endal välja osta, kuid pärast koolituse toimumist tagastatakse piletite raha.


Küsimuste korral estyes@estyes.ee