The tools used will be:

Theater, Clown, movements, writing workshop, non-formal education. Artistic Leaders will carry the group during the process.



During these 2 weeks, we will:

  • Explore games to create a group dynamic.
  • Explore body movements.
  • Find a way to embody your word.

The aim is to create your own declaration of love and to contribute to a collective theater performance.


About the sacred & profane:

We will explore questions related to life and death, consciousness, and existence, drawing inspiration from religious and new-age beliefs. We will explore our own beliefs and question our faith, trust in life, love, the quest for meaning, and our finitude or infinitude. We will also be able to encounter revolt and existing anger towards dogmas. Finally, we will create our own spectacular theatrical ceremony in which the sacred and profane will mix, with divine freedom. First of all, it’s a love declaration to yourself!

Challenges will be to dare, to express yourself, to create with others and to play in front of the group. In the end, you will also have the opportunity to act in front of an audience.


Youngsters from 18 to 30 years old 4 participants (18-30 y.o) and 1 leader (18+) per country.


Participants will be hosted in a collective room with sanitary and kitchen. They will take part in the collective life with the support of leaders.


Location of the project


Financial conditions

  • Travel costs will be covered according to the Erasmus+ distance calculator.
  • Food and accommodation will be fully covered.


*EstYESi ühekordne liikmemaks 30€ – kui osaled meie kaudu projektis esimest korda

*EstYES osalustasu – vähendatakse EstYESi partneritele, mentoritele, grupiliidritele jt vabatahtlikele

*ISIC, ITIC ja IYTC kaardiga -10% soodustus osalustasu summalt