merve selcuk simsek qb4bnyq 4rq unsplash

Lühiaajaline ESC teenistus Türgis (01.04-31.05.2025)

Description VOLUNTEERING TEAMS WITH S&G 2025 (01.04.2025-31.05.2025) offers opportunities for volunteers to engage in diverse activities, including community interventions, office work, and project development. Volunteers gain hands-on experience in NGO

adam tamasi p1f7hdiu6q unsplash

Pikaajaline ESC teenistus Slovakkias (12 kuud)

PROJECT: Open Your Eyes – #ESC project for 2 volunteers out of 3. ORGANISATION: INEX Slovakia #inexslovakia team WHERE: Bratislava, Slovakia WHEN: 01.02.2025-31.12.2025 DEADLINE TO APPLY: 15.12.2024 WHO: Young people 18-30 years old, project

artur adilkhanian j6vnymqyzl4 unsplash

Pikaajalised vabatahtlikud teenistused Armeenias

VOLUNTEERING IN ARMENIA – Discover Armenia trough volunteering   THE THE PROJECTS: Botanical Garden Rehabilitation Centre National Gallery of Armenia History Museum of Armenia “Zatik” Child support center“ HUJ- office