This youth exchange aims to discover the culinary delights of the Alsatian Vosges in particular and of Alsace and France as a whole, as well as sharing the delicious treasures of other European regions! Through a variety of activities, we’ll be going back and forth between body and mind: we’ll be mixing tastings, meeting local producers, cooking workshops with local people, debates on the quality of our food, the impact of our production methods on our environment, etc.



  • Meetings with local producers from Alsace (bread, vegetables, juices, dairy products, beer, etc.): tasting, history of their project, challenges, difficulties, etc.
  • organization of “mobile cooking workshops” around the region and international meals to meet local residents: the “new republican banquets”.


Session 2 / CREATE & SHARE :

  • document the meetings and productions of the brainstorming workshops (articles, photos, podcasts, videos, etc.)
  • co-organise an event to meet, exchange and share ideas and tastes: “Welcome to the Restaurant of our Dreamed Europe !”


Location of the project: Hosting Center Maison LouiseScheppler Le Trouchy 67130 Fouday.

Accommodation: Participants will be hosted in dormitories of 4-6 persons & will take part to collective life with the support of the local team and leaders.

Dates: Thursday August 22nd to Thursday September 5th

Participants: European Youth from 18 to 30 years old 20 PARTICIPANTS From 4 ERASMUS + Program countries 5 participants/country (4+1 leader)

Costs: no participation fee – Accommodation & meals will be provided by the organization. Travel costs will be partially covered according to the Erasmus + calculator


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*EstYESi ühekordne liikmemaks 30€ – kui osaled meie kaudu projektis esimest korda

*EstYES osalustasu – vähendatakse EstYESi partneritele, mentoritele, grupiliidritele jt vabatahtlikele

*ISIC, ITIC ja IYTC kaardiga -10% soodustus osalustasu summalt