Volunteering in Germany in March and April
You are between 18-26 years old, don’t live in Germany, have always wanted to travel abroad, meet nice people and do something meaningful for a good cause? Welcome to the Bauorden!
The Bauorden in Germany offers a six-week programme starting spring 2025: From 2nd of March until 12th of April you can take part in three different work camps in Germany and have an unforgettable experience! Volunteer tasks will be in renovation and building.
The Bauorden in Germany offers a unique programme next year: You will spend six weeks at three different work camps in Germany. You will live and work in international teams with young volunteers from all over Europe and help associations and organisations that want to build or renovate their facilities.
What exactly is that?
You will spend six weeks at three different work camps in Germany. You will live and work in international teams with young volunteers from all over Europe and help associations and organisations that want to build or renovate something: a nature playground, a centre for ecological education, an asylum centre for women in need or a farm where children without much money can go on holiday.
Together with other volunteers, you will work eight hours a day, five days a week on a building site. Maybe you will build a wooden hut. Or painting a façade. Mixing concrete. Or build a wall. The work can be exhausting. You’ve never done anything like this before and don’t know how to do it? You can still join in! The main thing is that you are not afraid of physical labour, are motivated and want to learn something new. Weekends are free. Then you are welcome to discover cities and sights in the surrounding area or simply relax. Perhaps with your new friends from the work camp.
The workcamps are located in different, often rural areas of Germany, so fresh air is guaranteed. You travel to a new project every fortnight, usually by train. The Bauorden covers the travel costs between the work camps. You will find out which workcamps you will be taking part in well in advance, before you arrive in Germany.
Bauorden pays a travel allowance of 180 euros for the journey to Germany. You will receive free accommodation and meals at the work camps. The Bauorden will also cover the travelling costs between the individual workcamps. All you need is pocket money and possibly a sleeping bag for your stay in Germany.
Would you like to apply now?
Send your CV with photo to info@bauorden.de and write a few sentences about yourself and your motivation to do a workcamp. We will get back to you within a week. You will also need health insurance that is valid in Germany. Then you can start planning your journey to the first workcamp.
If you want to experience Germany in a non-touristic way and do something meaningful, you can apply. Just write an email to info@bauorden.de with a few sentences about yourself and your motivation.
You can find more information on our website: http://new.bauorden.de/ich-will-anpacken/6-wochen-programm/