The training seminar is organized in partnership with the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF), an intergovernmental non-profit organization focusing on cooperation between people from the two regions. Specifically, it is run as part of the ASEF Young Leaders Summit (ASEFYLS), a Youth platform that connects young people from Asia and Europe.

The training is part of a broader training process run by ASEFYLS and partners (ASEFYLS Capacity Buildings), in which participants go through three distinct phases:

  1. Knowledge Building Phase: 2 – 30 July 2024 | Online An in-depth exploration into Leadership and Society 5.0 with training and thematic experts. The knowledge-building phase will be organized through webinars, and joined by other participants of the ASEF Young Leaders Summit platform.
  2. Residential seminar 6 – 12 October 2024 (including travel days)| Budapest, Hungary
  3. Action Phase: August – December 2024 | In Local Communities Turning theory into action, participants will organize events in their local communities to share their learnings with larger audiences.

Participants of the training seminar on youth, digitalization, and intercultural dialogue are expected to take part in all the phases. See more information about the full ASEFYLS cycle, including the opportunity to engage in a residential seminar in August in China, here.

The training seminar will explore discussions and trends surrounding digitalization and technological development, and the impact on society at large, including human rights. Specifically, it will explore the concept of “leadership in Society 5.0”.

The Society 5.0 is a concept developed in Japan in 2016. It describes a human-centered society that balances economic advancement with the resolution of social problems by a system that highly integrates cyberspace and physical space. The training will explore what kind of leadership is needed for Society 5.0 and how young people can prepare for an ethical, sustainable, and digital future.



To support youth from Europe and Asia regions to explore, in an intercultural context, the most pressing issues related to technological developments, reflect on their implications on society and their own role within it.



To explore the main concepts related to Society 5.0, including technological developments like artificial intelligence.

To create an understanding of the societal and ethical implications of emerging technologies, and explore existing frameworks for the protection of human rights.

To understand the competencies needed for meaningful participation in a technologically advanced society, including leadership and intercultural competencies.

To motivate participants to plan local follow-up actions bringing the topics of the training closer to the communities they are engaged with.


Profile of participants

Participants in the training are expected to be:

  • Be resident in a country signatory of the European Cultural Convention
  • Be aged between 18 and 30
  • Be committed to attending for the full duration of the seminar and all phases.
  • Be able to work in English.
  • Active in youth work or a youth organization, and in a position to transfer the knowledge gained during the training through the follow-up phase.
  • Be interested and motivated to explore questions related to technology and human rights


Financial and practical conditions of participation

Travel expenses

Travel expenses and visa fees for the training seminar in Budapest will be reimbursed. Only the participants who attend the entire seminar can be reimbursed. Participants will pay the costs upfront and will be reimbursed up to 3-months after the seminar.


Board and lodging for the seminar will be provided and paid for by the Council of Europe at the European Youth Centre Budapest. The European Youth Centres are accessible to people with disabilities and can take measures to accommodate for any access needs of participants in this respect. Please provide the necessary information in your application form.

Working languages

English will be the working language of the training seminar. Participants are required to be able to express themselves autonomously in English.


How to apply

Everyone interested in taking part in the seminar must apply by filling in the online form at https://youthapplications.coe.int before 19 May 2024.

Please use this form instead, if you are:

  • Interested/only available for the ASEFYLS Asia-Europe Young Leaders Campus in Beijing & Hangzhou, China 10 – 18 August 2024
  • Residing in Asia, interested in the Budapest training seminar October 7-11 2024 ASEF will manage these applications.



*EstYESi ühekordne liikmemaks 30€ – kui osaled meie kaudu projektis esimest korda

*EstYES osalustasu – vähendatakse EstYESi partneritele, mentoritele, grupiliidritele jt vabatahtlikele

*ISIC, ITIC ja IYTC kaardiga -10% soodustus osalustasu summalt