LUNARESC01 Rural community empowerment   Rifugio Cognolo,Casperia 23/04/2025-07/05/2025 ENVI/RENO VOLS: 12  AGE: 18-30


SUMMARY : Get involved in the unique experience of taking care of the space in the Cognolo Refuge at 1000 m above the sea, exploring the wildness, expressing your creativity, and getting to know local flora and fauna together with a group of international volunteers. #lunarcamp #wearealliance  #escinteam


PARTNER : Ala is a promotion association specializing in activities for youth and adults in rural areas. The focus of its work is in Sabina, an agricultural area north of Rome (40 km) where it has made local development and youth policies its main vocation. The association works to build the idea of an inclusive educational community where everyone has the opportunity to find the space to express themself, outside of any judgment, social or political. Daily it deals with youth aggregation, active citizenship and participation, reception and receptivity, local development for sustainable tourism, and redevelopment of spaces abandoned or disused public spaces.


PROJECT : Since 2014 Ala has managed the Cognolo Refuge, a mid-mountain mountain hut, brought back to life from a situation of degradation and abandonment, where it carries out hospitality, educational activities, experiences related to nature, and the enhancement of the territory. Running a refuge is an act of care for this rural area, offering an active garrison over the mountain area and facilitating access to the hinterland for all, making known the beauty of these mountains. The day-to-day management of the refuge requires constant maintenance and renovation, which is why the camp focuses on this space by offering volunteers the experience of living in a mountain refuge in its wildness and using this space as a place for experimentation where they can express their creativity and rediscovering the value of manual skills and traditional knowledge.  By joining this workcamp you will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals: SustainableCommunities -SDG11, SustainableConsuption&Production-SDG12


WORK : Volunteers will  work on the maintenance of the space and area around Cognolo Refuge (maintenance of trails, construction, and restoration of terraces, collection of wood for the winter season, construction of tables, chairs, or other necessary elements, maintenance and cleaning of the spaces, making tent pitches, fire areas etc…).  Volunteer could discover  the area by exploring flora and fauna local, learning about animal tracks and more. Group life, shared management of cooking, cleaning, and convivial moments between games, excursions, and experiences. During the camp you will participate in the creation of an annual festive event on the occasion of the May 1st anniversary, contributing to the logistics and management of the public event.


ACCOMMODATION AND FOOD : The group is housed in tents in the camping area around the shelter. The shelter and spaces inside are used by staff for cooking and rain emergencies. Scarcity of resources – the shelter has electricity. Spartan housing to keep with shared bathrooms, compost toilets, and solar showers. Management of space cleaning and meal preparation will be handled by volunteers themselves through cleaning/cooking shifts. The group will have access to a pantry based on which to build a weekly menu respecting allergies/intolerances and diet particulars. Please note that given the season it is important to bring with you  adequate equipment such as thermal sleeping bags suitable for the colder days.


TERMINAL : Rome Fiumicino FCO and then direct train to Poggio Mirteto or Rome Ciampino CIA and then bus connection to Rome Tuscolana and then train to Poggio Mirteto.


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS : The camp takes place at 1000m, is accessible by hiking, and takes volunteers to immerse themselves in a dimension outside the usual. It requires a high sense of adaptation, the ability to disconnect from digital devices and an internet connection, desire to disconnect from everyday life to connect with a life more in relationship with the people one has around and nature.

Come with proper equipment and be ready to go hiking (trekking shoes, working clothes, etc…).
Be ready to become part of a local small community. Be open minded.

This project is supported by the European Solidarity Corps. Food and accommodation are covered by the European Union. Transportation costs will be refunded according to the distance band rules of the programme. No fees are required. The workcamps are open for international volunteers (coming from EU  ESC countries projects).