About the Project:

The pandemic and war situation has worsened mental health globally. ‘’The youth mental health crisis is very real, but it’s also a global crisis. Worldwide, at least 200 million children and teenagers struggle with a mental health disorder.’’- Harold Koplewicz, child and adolescent psychiatrist.

It is estimated that one in five people will experience a mental health problem annually, but throughout their lifetime every second person in the world (Mental health green book, 2020).

The Mental Health Training course will empower youth to prioritize mental health and develop healthy

coping mechanisms, fostering resilience and preventing escalation of challenges.

This initiative enhances social inclusion, as it creates a supportive environment where young people feel understood and connected, reducing stigma and encouraging help-seeking behavior. Through international collaboration and sharing best practices, the project will not only support personal development but also contributes to building a resilient and mentally healthy society.


Aim and objectives:

The main aim is of the training course is to provide participants with embodiment, dance and movement therapy practices. These will improve their own and their student’s way of understanding, processing, and communicating their emotions. The course is practice-based with a mindful and holistic approach.

More specifically, the learning outcomes of the training course are:

  • Embodiment techniques: Learning to embody emotions through movement and dance.
  • Understanding emotions: Gaining insights into expressing emotions effectively through movement.
  • Communication skills: Developing clear and authentic emotional verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Teaching tools: Learning to integrate movement therapy into teaching practice.
  • Mindful approach: Embracing the mind-body connection for emotional well-being.


Target group:

Youth workers, teachers, trainers, school management, headmasters and

administrative staff working in:

  • Primary schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Vocational schools
  • Training centers
  • Adult educational schools
  • Higher education
  • NGOs

Ideally, we are looking for someone who already works with people. Overall, a person who is mental health enthusiast and loves to explore their inner realm – their psyche, body and soul. Our project is focused mainly on the body and from there we reach the soul and psyche.


How to apply:





Financial Conditions:

Board, lodging, visa costs, local transports, all materials and the content of the activities are fully covered.

Participants will be in charge of arranging their own insurance for their travel and stay in Greece.

Travel costs to and from the venue are covered according to the Erasmus+ lump sums, Based on the travel distance per participant. Travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator

supported by the European Commission (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm) For travel distances between:

  • 100 – 499km: 180 EUR per participant
  • 500 – 1999km: 275 EUR per participant
  • 2000 – 2999km: 360 EUR per participant


For further Information: Please contact Christina Milioridou at youth@elix.org.gr