About: We want to carry out this project to provide young people with the opportunity to explore and try out new sports to introduce them to diverse cultures and adopt
As part of the intercultural project, we want to enable participants to experience the European cultural area through dance and theatre and allow them to try out their artistic skills
Free online course Connect-UA: Leadership skills for young Ukrainians in exile 30 April to 9 July 2024, every Tuesday from 17:00 – 19:00 CET For young people from Ukraine
The tools used will be: Theater, Clown, movements, writing workshop, non-formal education. Artistic Leaders will carry the group during the process. NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE NEEDED IN THE THEATRE FIELD
Aim: The project aims to empower youth participants, who are youth/social workers, young entrepreneurs, and trainers, to integrate mental health coping skills and mechanisms into their daily work, fostering resilience
The main aim of this project is to equip participants with skills and knowledge in the field of Emotional Intelligence, Social Emotional Learning, and Emotional Awareness to promote effective youth
This training is for you to: Reflect on your mindset: attitudes, values, and beliefs Realize how your mindset influences your behaviors, the results you get, and the relationships you have
The main aim of this Erasmus+ youth project is teamwork in small groups on the topics of the environment, nature, and healthy living as well as mutual familiarization and intercultural
For all those active in youth work and youth political education: Ready to dive into a world of change, fun, and making a difference? Imagine using the power of theatre
2024 IWO KOREA International Exchange Program – Connect People and Community Introduction about IWO IWO is a non-profit and non-governmental organization established in 1999 to promote world peace, global
BASIC INFO VENUE: MALAGA, SPAIN START: SEPT 2024 END: JULY 2025 DURATION: 11 MONTHS DEADLINE TO APPLY: 13TH OF MAY We inform you that we are looking for 2 motivated ESC volunteers for the FUNDACIÓN ALONSO QUIJANO.
Basic conditions: Volunteers must be between 18 and 30 years old. Volunteers have to be residents in one of the eligible countries as stated in the program guide. Volunteers who
You are… between 18 and 30 years old living in the EU or one of the ESC partner countries having 12 months time from the beginning of September excited to
Introduction: UnlockeD is an 8-day training course that aims to introduce and practice an innovative problem-solving methodology and mindset (Design Thinking), which starts and ends with community needs. We are
What to expect: Experience 2 weeks in intercultural teenagers collective life Develop your sense of initiative and discover different forms of expression Improve your self-confidence Learn to express your ideas
Key points DISCONNECTION Learning to build a healthy relationship with your smart device Learning about the impact of social media on our mental well-being MOVEMENT Easy hikes to the
The theme of this project is interculturality contact with the environment and the sharing of local culture. We wish to exchange and discover ecological practices with participants from different cultures
Pakume teile ainulaadset võimalust minna laagrisse Hiina Rahvavabariiki. Fujian Tulou – Engaging Youth in World Heritage (24.07-4.08.2024) Fujian Tulous on ainulaadsed Hiina maaeluruumid, mis olid ehitatud 12. – 20. sajandil.
Suvel Gröönimaale laagrisse! Meil on hea meel pakkuda teile ainulaadset võimalust minna Gröönimaa ja Taani saartele vabatahtlikke laagritesse: Camp Kulloq 2024 – 15.07.-03.08.2024 Camp Nuan 2024 – 09.-30.07.2024 Osalejad
If you are interested in: gaining greater self-awareness, empowerment, and understanding of others, developing or improving different youth-working skills and becoming more confident in that role, learning through interactive and
Every year, Lunaria involves around 1000 young volunteers in its programmes, including workcamps, youth exchanges, medium and long term volunteering. This is possible thanks to the collaboration with the organizations
YOUTH EXCHANGE ON ALIVENESS, SELF-EXPRESSION, SOCIAL SKILLS ABOUT THE YOUTH EXCHANGE It is designed to forge connections among young people through engagement and empowerment. This unique exchange will focus
Trailblazers: Enhancing Youth Work with AI Context of the training course: In the contemporary digital age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, revolutionizing various sectors. The
ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Eurowerkstatt is working as a sending and hosting, but mainly coordinating organisation in the European ESC-Program. We coordinate the application process, the prearrangement and the mentoring of the
Glee it up is a youth exchange, where you can experience living and creating in an international community of 30 young people from 6 European countries; discovering how you can
A youth exchange, where you can experience living in an international community of 40 young people from 8 countries of Europe; discovering what resourcefulness and entrepreneurship really mean. Experience how
Open calls for the ESC position in Austria Youth Centre ECHO in Graz, Austria https://youth.europa.eu/solidarity/placement/38565_en 12 months, May 2024 – April 2025 Youth Centre Echo is a place where
Make Your Move is a 9-day international training course for youth workers and educators to explore the opportunities to use contemporary dance as an innovative, learner-centered approach in youth activities.
We are looking for volunteers for a long-term volunteering project at Arques in the North of France from April 2024, for 6 months at least on Intercultural activities. About the Association Community: We are
This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in event management. Project starts earlier on in the year, from May 22nd to May the 29th. The host Is looking for 8 motivated volunteers! Elderflower
Currently, youth workers daily interact with youth whose mental health and well-being were seriously shattered affecting all aspects of their lives and having a significant impact on youngsters’ overall development
About the training The training is here for you to: Reflect on your mindset: attitudes, values, and beliefs Realize how your mindset influences your behaviors, the results you get, and
About the program: Working in the civic sector can be a highly rewarding, and at the same time a very demanding experience. Our training course wishes to tackle the topic
What can you expect? The elements of this professional program are designed to cater to different needs, the three trainings build on each other while having the flexibility to be
This training course is for you if you want to develop your leadership skills, prepare for new generations of youth, and create an environment that encourages innovation, collaboration, and sustainable
Aim: To create innovative approaches in youth work for involved organizations and other relevant stakeholders to help them promote European values, European citizenship, and active participation among target groups through
About SEEDS SEEDS Iceland was founded in 2005 as a non-governmental, non-profit volunteer organisation with international scope. Our main activities relate to the promotion of environmental protection and awareness, intercultural
Description of the partner organizing/hosting the project: The ijgd has been organising volunteer service programmes since 1949. We are an independent, non-profit association for international youth work, a recognised