elizeu dias ehsqqoe tym unsplash

ESC erinevad teenistused

Interesting and enriched through being in transborder regions, between France and Germany and between Germany and Poland:   Metz, Unis-Cité:  2 places, 8 months starting from October, mission: sensibilisation activities

andreas strandman tzppj2ww gi unsplash

ESC vabatahlik teenistus Islandil (jaanuar-juuli 2025)

Duration of Activity: 20.01.2025 – 02.07.2025 (162 days / 5 months) Vacancies: 11 ESC volunteers from Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia,

annika gordon czisy8ai2ia unsplash

ESC vabatahtlik teeinistus Austria koolis (10 kuud)

Private School “Sonnenhaus” (https://sonnenhaus-leibnitz.delatour-schulen.at/) offers an alternative education for 6-14 y.o. children, based on principles of progressive education, Montessori and nonviolent communication. We support and guide children on their way

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Art camp at Buenos Aires Mask Festival

Participate in the Art Camp and develop your volunteer work within the framework of the Festival de Máscaras de Buenos Aires. This two-week experience offers the opportunity to learn how