providence doucet me5mbzx5sko unsplash

ESC Volunteering in Hannover, Germany

Your tasks as a volunteer: Your assignments can include your interests and the things you can already do well, what the organization needs at a particular moment in time and

Laagrid Lõuna-Koreas (juuli-august 2024)

Laagrid Lõuna-Koreas (juuli-august 2024)

2024 IWO KOREA International Exchange Program – Connect People and Community   Introduction about IWO IWO is a non-profit and non-governmental organization established in 1999 to promote world peace, global

Laager Hiinas 27.07 – 4.08.2024

Laager Hiinas 27.07 – 4.08.2024

Pakume teile ainulaadset võimalust minna laagrisse Hiina Rahvavabariiki. Fujian Tulou – Engaging Youth in World Heritage (24.07-4.08.2024) Fujian Tulous on ainulaadsed Hiina maaeluruumid, mis olid ehitatud 12. – 20. sajandil.

Laagrid Islandil!

Laagrid Islandil!

About SEEDS SEEDS Iceland was founded in 2005 as a non-governmental, non-profit volunteer organisation with international scope. Our main activities relate to the promotion of environmental protection and awareness, intercultural