Training course and youth exchange


Background of the project

Concordia Normandie-Maine is an organisation working on popular education principles. Since 7 years, our organisation is collaborating with Palestinian organisations on different projects relative to human rights and human rights education. We hosted several groups of youth and youth workers coming from different cities in Palestine, and we would like now to experiment a great project, in which we will be able to train youth workers to lead a group in Palestine. We want to come from the experiences lived by the refugees in Palestine.

With our colleagues from Palestine, we would like to raise the awareness on people on the refugee topic in general. We believe that there is a need to speak about the political, economic and social situation of the refugees now in our societies. Raising awareness towards the youth of our different countries, and exchanging on how refugees are perceived by the youth and the population in general, and how youth want to change it.

We also have the need to train our youth organisations to the hosting of a new public in our projects. Concordia for example made the choice to host refugees civic service volunteers in our different delegations. However, we first need to make sure that we are ready for that, and we will be able to support the youth as best as we can.

We work with one refugee camp in Palestine: Dheisheh in Bethlehem, with Laylac organisation. Those refugee camps are made from Palestinian people, who had to leave their homeland because of the Israeli occupation. They fight for the right of return, which means they will keep on fighting for their rights until they can come back home.

Themes of the project

– the refugees’ right of return (and possibility depending on the country),

– on government policies towards refugees and the place of our organisations, our role as youth workers,

– how refugees and especially Palestinian refugees (from 50 different villages), have managed to create a collective society in the refugee camps, have developed their education and the education of their children, how they fight for their right of return.


Every year, Guillemette Champ, the regional delegate of Concordia Normandie-Maine is travelling from France to Palestine, in order to meet different organisations in the country, different people and activists, but also to learn how to prepare the youth who we are working with. Sending youth in a country under occupation is not trivial. So for this project, and especially for the youth exchange, Concordia will support a lot the sending organisations in order to prepare the participants before going. It is also the reason why we first want to train the leaders, through the first training action.



The main objective of this project is to create understanding and awareness of the Youth and the populations in general on the Human Rights and Refugees topic, through training youth workers on the setting of activities on the Refugees situations and gathering young people coming from very diverse backgrounds.


Specific objectives for this Training Course are:

  • Developing youth worker’s knowledge, tools and competences in key concepts on Human Rights Education and working with refugees
  • Raising awareness of Youth workers on the need of implementing Human Rights Education, focussing of the refugees
  • Giving the space for youth workers to exchange on their working context, experiences and challenges on the topic
  • Reviewing the evaluation of Human Rights education in Europe, and the present challenges that it faces.


Specific objectives of the Youth Exchange are: 

  • Getting to know the reality of Palestinian life in the refugee camps in Palestine
  • Creating an exchange space for young people coming from different background, cultures, countries and migration experiences.
  • Supporting young people to understand that they actually have an acting power in the world they live in
  • Developing materials which can be used by the participants back home in their organizations/communities


The methodology, based on the reinforcement of non-formal education values, training sessions, workshops, debates, and the structure of this European training will serve to further encourage an active involvement of each participant. This will allow participants to be able to develop competencies and new tools for the strengthening of a gender equality sensitive approach in their organization.


Profile of the participants

For the training course: 

18+ Youth workers, youth leaders, staff or active members from youth organizations. This training course is shaped for people working with youth we already have, or not experience with a public of refugees. Some participants from the training will lead the youth exchange in Palestine.

There is a participation fee for participants for the training course: 50 € for each. The implementation of this fee should not prevent any motivate participant to join. We are ready to exchange with the participants individually in case it is needed.

Group size: 24 participants (+4 trainers) from ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME COUNTRIES AND


  • Concordia from France
  • Laylac from Palestine (Deisheh camp in Bethleem)
  • JAVVA from Belgium
  • Elix from Greece
  • ESTYES from Estonia
  • INFORMA GIOVANI from Italy (Sicily)


For the youth exchange: 

Youth from 18 to 30 years old, with or without migration experience, and who wish to discover the situation and the background of Palestinian refugee camps. Youth and leaders of the Youth Exchange should be ready to experience life in a refugee camp in Palestine and to accept the rules of the project.

The validation of the participants will be done by the partner organizations but the final decision will be made by Guillemette CHAMP, in collaboration with the partners.

There is a participation fee for participants for the Youth Exchange: 50 € for each (without exception)

Group size: 32 (4 youth (+18 years old) from each country + 1 leader from each country + 1 coordinator from Concordia, Guillemette CHAMP + 1 coordinator from Laylac)


Financial conditions

PARTICIPANTS FEES FOR THE TRAINING COURSE: 50€ per participant (+ 30€ EstYES membership fee)

PARTICIPANTS FEES FOR THE YOUTH EXCHANGE: 50€ per participant (+ 30€ EstYES membership fee)


In case that participant face financial difficulties, please contact us in order to find together a solution.

  • Travel costs will be covered based on the unit costs of the program. Please note that participants will be reimbursed the real costs of their transport fees up to a certain limit as per information below.
  • 100% lodging and food are covered

Concordia would like to encourage participants to buy travel tickets as soon as possible to enjoy economical prices. Please do not buy travel tickets until your participation has been approved by Concordia. All the travel costs will be reimbursed the earliest 3 months after the end of the training course.

Please note that the process of reimbursement will be carried out directly with the applicant organizations and not with the individual participants (we only reimburse individually participants coming from informal groups). Organizations will have to communicate to Concordia a global invoice after the project (up to the maximum amount given for the travel costs). 


Before applying please make sure that you are available on the given dates.

To apply write to