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Hripsime initiative project

Hripsime initiative project

10.06.2017. It was a beautiful sunny day in a little village near to Tartu named Koosa. People came together to celebrate the village’s 435th birthday.

Me, Hrispime, an EVS volunteer from Armenia made a little presentation about my country. I am doing my EVS European Voluntary Service, which is a part of an Erasmus+ programme, in Estonia for almost 10 months. With a support of EstYES (MTÜ Noortevahetuse Arengu Ühing EstYES) I made a little project to represent my culture to the event visitors. What is the best way to explore the new culture? Of course, through national food. So, people had a chance to try Gata Armenian national sweet bread, which brings luck 🙂 and Dolma, traditional Armenian dish of minced meat wrapped by grape leaves.

We had a very interesting conversation about Armenia and what kind of food and traditions we have in my country. Village people tried to use Armenian letters with my help and we had a really good time. It was an hour full of new knowledge and experience.

Finally people from Koosa managed to try some dishes from Armenian cuisine and I hope they enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing all of it with them. Special thanks to them who made it happen!

Hripsime Kizogyan stays in Estonia for 12 months within the project ”Broadening Horizons II” which is funded by Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service program.

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