Noortevahetus “Eurovisionen” Saksamaal (vanusegrupile 13-15)
About the program
“Eurovisionen” youth exchange programme includes workshops, discussions, games, sports, day trips and more intercultural learning activities for the youth.
Proposed workshops
•theatre(with production and performanceof a short–improvised–play) •painting/drawing(illustration,colour theory etc.) •circus(juggling, acrobaticsetc.) •dance(jazz dance, video clip dance etc.) •magic(conjuring tricks) •geocaching(GPScache hunt) •video(with production of a video clip) •digitally photography(practical handling the camera etc.) •COMPUTER(create a website; computer games–benefits and risks
Total number of participants: 60
Participants per country: 7+1
Age: 13-15
Reimbursement of travel expenses according to the European Commission distance calculator.
Venue: Youth hostel in Bollendorf/Eifel
NB! Projekti toimumiskoht on erinev eelmiste aastate omast!