Workcamp Title: Wildlife and Crops – Working Together in the Nature Park
WorkcampNr.: ijgd 70123
When: 24.07-14.08.2020

Where: Brandenburg, around 40km east of Berlin
Who: 15 participants from around the world, aged 16-26.
Meals: The group will prepare and cook meals together.
Accommodation: You will be staying in shared rooms in the “Drei Eichen” (Three Oaks) environmental education centre, which is
located in the middle of a forest, around 4km away from Buckow (
Nearest Airport: Berlin
Nearest Train Station: DB Müncheberg (Dahmsdorf)
Extra Fee: 50 €
Special Requirements: Please bring weatherproof working clothes (with long sleeves and full-length trousers) with you, since you’ll
be working outdoors.
Category: ENVI, CONS

If you are enthusiastic about nature and protecting the environment, the come to the Märkische Schweiz Nature Park: 40km to the
east of Berlin, the park not only offers unique natural and cultural landscapes, but also the backdrop to our project. By working
together with the park’s administration team and the Drei Eichen environmental education centre, you will not only get to know the
park and its surroundings, but you will also play an active role in shaping it. There will also be young people from the local area on-
We will be completing various landscape projects in different natural areas at a number of locations in the Märkische Schweiz nature
park. The aim is to protect and promote both the dry or wet locations, their soil and the native plants that grow there. Historically, these
locations were created and maintained through a lot of manual mowing, seasoning and grazing by sheep and goats. In this project,
you will be contributing to this process. You will also be renewing sections of hiking trails. There are also beavers making their homes
in the park, which you will be able to admire while you work.
We also grow tomato, pepper and aubergine plants on the grounds of the Drei Eichen centre every summer, but the summer is often
not long and warm enough to bring them to full ripeness. We would therefore like to build a lean-to greenhouse together on one of the
houses. This would give the crops a warm summer "corner" and the provide a year-round warmth to the house, as long as the sun isshining. The Drei Eichen centre, with all its grounds, offers many opportunities to learn about plants and animals, nature conservation
and alternative ways of life and to help with everyday work.

Whether you are landscaping, working with your hands or helping with creative design; all work will take place outdoors.
Besides this, there will be a diverse programme of environmental educational activities for you to take part in!


Educational Activities: You could take a GPS tour of the nature park, go on a guided walking tour on the topic of “biological diversity”,
visit the bat museum, go swimming in the various nearby lakes, visit local cinemas and bars. In Buckow, there is a campfire where you
can sit around at night, a climbing wall and also a canoe hire in the nearby area.


Loe läbi eelpool mainitud info ja vaata ka korraldajate kodulehte. Kui sa soovid osaleda, siis anna sellest meile teada või registreeri siin. Eestile on projektis eraldatud 2 kohta (18+ vanusele) , seega võta sõber kaasa ja kandideerige juba täna!

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mis on töölaager?

Workcamp ehk töölaager on nii noortele kui ka täiskasvanutele loodud vabatahtliku tegevuse vorm, kus inimesed saavad anda oma panuse kogukonda kuid siiski avastada ja õppida uue kultuuri kohta. Programmid on rahastatud kas organisatsioonide enda toel või mõneti ka riiklike abidega, mistõttu tingimused ja ka isiklik osalustasu erineb riigiti. Transport riiki on oma finantseerida. Laagreid toimub üle maailma, kilpkonnade päästmisest kuni festivalide korraldamiseni! Tekkis rohkem huvi? Võid meile julgelt kirjutada! Soovid teada rohkem korralduslikust poolest ja kandideerimisest? Vaata siia: //