
The main goal of the Kristiine Kindergarten is to support families in preparing children for school and to teach and develop children’s physical, mental and social skills. The values of the organisation are openness, creativity, tolerance, respect, caring and courage. The kindergarten has 12 classes for 1.5-7 years old children. The main activity is to teach children creatively trough play. The kindergarten is in a green district of the Estonian capital within walking distance or short public transport trip from downtown.
By including an international volunteer in our kindergarten, our goal is to improve together our main values through intercultural learning and get a fresh bystander view of our organisation. At the same time, the volunteer can contribute with innovative ideas to engage with children, parents, teachers and the community.

Here is also a introductory video of the kindergarten from a few years ago!


Work tasks 

The volunteer takes part and observes the activities each morning and has the opportunity to observe other classes too. In the early days the volunteer has fewer tasks in the teaching process and later has the opportunity to plan whole morning activity if he/she is willing. Afternoons are mostly free, but it can change due to events and weeks plans. The volunteer can participates in kindergarten events, which are planned in the beginning of the school year and are marked in the event plan, which is given in the beginning of the service. In addition, various trainings/classes are organized by kindergarten for teachers and by teachers, which the volunteer can participate in. Also once a month, a teachers’ information session takes place, where an overview of upcoming events and important information is provided, the upcoming tasks are discussed and the process of carrying out various projects is observed. Theme events with parents take place throughout the year, in which the volunteer can contribute or organize them if he/she wishes. Few weekends can include events with parents or with teachers. The volunteer has the opportunity to help to improve implementation of projects like “Free of bullying”, “Eco schools” and “Health promotion”. We will organize meetings with other volunteers nearby if possible. A volunteer can organize community events, such as an afternoon event for children and parents with another volunteers nearby (from other kindergartens, schools or youth center).

The main tasks of the volunteer will be:

  • Contribute to daily kindergarten activities 
  • Enrich the children’s and staff worldview with your culture and language 
  • Add your vision in organizing events for children 
  • Participate in class field trips to explore Estonian culture and nature 


Benefits of volunteering 

  • Learn the basics of teaching 
  • Learn about teamwork 
  • Gain confidence in dealing with children 
  • Get to know international projects such as „Free of Bullying” and „Eco-Schools” 


Requirements for the volunteer 

  • Open-minded 
  • Motivated to work with children
  • Creative thinking
  • Ready to represent his/her country
  • Open to learn the basics of the Estonian early childhood education.



To apply fill in the application form in the left column and send it to

We are flexible regarding the project dates which means we can change the service dates according to the needs of volunteer.