
Tallinna Laagna Lasteaed-Põhikool combines kindergarten and elementary school. Their aim is to provide education for disabled children and teach them social skills so that they will be able to manage on their own in their future lives. They give opportunity for children’s development providing secure, joyful, comfortable atmosphere and using individual approach to every child.

Their target group consists of 36 school children with special needs, aged from 7 to 17 years old and regular activities include lessons in accordance with compulsory educational programmes, followed by different activities provided by teachers, therapists and others. Children usually stay at school until 6 p.m. After obligatory classes they have rest, lunch break and optional leisure activities, including indoor and outdoor games; after that they usually do their homework with the help of teachers on duty and then go home.



The project takes place in Lasnamäe, a subdistrict of Tallinn – the capital city of Estonia. Geographically the school is conveniently located with the city center – it takes about 15 minutes to reach it by bus.


Work tasks and proposed activities

  • Supporting the personnel in looking after the children and running daily tasks – helping staff during the lessons and free time
  • Playing with children
  • Helping staff to organize leisure time activities

Mainly the assistance of the volunteer is needed during the breaks and after lessons to organize different indoor and outdoor games with children. These could involve different table games, ball games, etc. During the lessons sometimes our children need individual assistance in performing such simple tasks as opening books, taking a pen into their hand, switching on a computer etc. There can also be such moments when some children experience emotional breakdowns during the lesson and they need to be taken out from the classroom and calmed down individually.

Volunteer will be encouraged to propose his/her personal micro-projects/ initiatives related to the theme of this ESC project, which will be supported by the host and coordinating organisation in all ways.


Benefits for volunteering

  • Gaining some skills and knowledge about working with children with special needs – learning about their needs and abilities, understand their and their parents’ psychology
  • Learning and understanding the process of integration children with special needs into social life


Requirements for the volunteer

  • Ready and willing to work with kids with special needs
  • Sociable
  • Considerate
  • Cheerful

All sorts of artistic skills are welcome as they can be used in art lessons and other therapeutic activities.



To apply fill in the application form in the left column and send it to

NB! We are a bit flexible regarding the project dates which means we can change the service dates according to the needs of volunteer.