Long term ESC in Bulgaria (6 months)

Long term ESC in Bulgaria (6 months)

Future 3.0 Environment Community Technology   INFOPACK About Us Smokinya Foundation contributes in creating a world that works for everyone out of love, care, and cooperation. Smokinya Foundation is a

Long term ESC in Vienna, Austria (11 months)

Long term ESC in Vienna, Austria (11 months)

The ESC project is:   TANZ DIE TOLERANZ: a participatory dance project, bringing people of different ages, genders, ethnicities, religions, social backgrounds, etc. together through dance.  Project dates: 01.05.2025 –  31.03.2026 (11 months)

Different long term ESC in Italy (8 months)

Different long term ESC in Italy (8 months)

We are happy to announce we’re looking for volunteers to host in two projects! 1.Empowering rural youth Where? Roccantica, Italy When? February/March 2025-December 2024 (8 Months). The start is flexible. Topic:

Long term ESC in Slovakia (12 months)

Long term ESC in Slovakia (12 months)

PROJECT: Open Your Eyes – #ESC project for 2 volunteers out of 3. ORGANISATION: INEX Slovakia #inexslovakia team WHERE: Bratislava, Slovakia WHEN: 01.02.2025-31.12.2025 DEADLINE TO APPLY: 15.12.2024 WHO: Young people 18-30 years old, project

Workcamps in the Philipines

Workcamps in the Philipines

Workcamp 1: CODE: GIEDWC 001 Project Title: Barili Bilateral Work Camp 2025 Partner Sending Organizations & Country: Never-ending International workcamps Exchange (NICE), Japan ALLIANCE, NVDA Host Partner Coordinating Organization: Global

Viljandi Näituse welfare unit

Viljandi Näituse welfare unit

Introduction  AS Hoolekandeteenused (welfare services) is a state-owned enterprise which provides social welfare services to adults with special needs. The enterprise was established in 2007. The organisation has many different