Noortevahetus Prantsusmaal diskrimineerimise teemal, 15-17 noortele, kes tunneb huvi video tegemise  vastu.


European Teenagers Youth Exchange
From August 1 th to August 21 th




  • You will meet some associations that work about inequalities around gender and racism, to deepen knowledge about the subject. Then you will think, debate and question collectively the discrimination question. You will also be encouraged to question yourself.
  • The goal is to find concrete ways to fight against discriminations.
  • You will take part of all the dimensions of collective life: by sharing the task, participating to choose activities and giving your opinions. The important thing will be that you can emancipate yourself by taking your place in the group.
  • You will create shorts films with professionals videographers. With them you will learn how to use mediatic tools and make journalistic work. It will give you the opportunity to meet local population and politics by doing interviews and alert them about discrimination’s questions.
  • The video’s creations will be introduce to the population at an emblematic festival in le Faï that happens during the exchange.


The youth exchange will be led by a team of three animators with the help of permanent staff, our long
term volunteers and the group leaders.

The Farm of the Faï is 3km from the village of Le saix, 30 km from the city of Gap, 200km from Marseille (and more than 2 hours from the sea side…)

The old buildings of le Faï farm have been developed into small apartments and group
accommodations. Participants will be accommodated in bedrooms of two to three people and will have
at their disposal all the facilities of the center (dining room, kitchen, showers and toilets).

For the duration of the exchange, you will live autonomously and will be lead by your animators. The
daily tasks (meals, cleaning etc) are shared by all volunteers.

Participants should be aged 15 to 17. There is no age limit for group leaders.

The group will be composed of 20 persons from 4 different nationalities.

Each group is composed of 4 participants and 1 leader.

No specific skills are required to take part in this project, just a strong motivation to experience a
multicultural collective life and work together at the video project.

Participants having experience in this field and willing to share their knowledge are welcome!

Financial conditions:
– Travel costs will be covered based on the unit costs of the program (Romania and Greece
275euros, Estonia 360 euros)
– 100% housing and food covered

All the travel costs will be reimbursed the earliest 3 months after the end of the youth exchange.
Please note that the process of reimbursement will be carried out directly with the applicant
organizations and not with you.

We kindly remind all participants to keep the original tickets.


Otsime projekti liidri 18+, kes osaleb tasuta!

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